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Cov khoom

Rooj tog saum npoo tsis kam rau cov kua txias, qhuav thiab ntub cua sov tester

Lus piav qhia luv luv:

Nws yog qhov tsim nyog rau kev ua siab ntev ntawm cov kua txias, cov cua sov qhuav thiab cov cua sov ntawm qhov chaw kho mob ntawm cov rooj tog zaum tom qab cov xim txheej kho, thiaj li tshawb xyuas qhov kev tiv thaiv corrosion ntawm qhov kho qhov chaw ntawm cov rooj tog zaum.

Product Detail

Khoom cim npe

Daim ntawv thov

Cov ntsuas ntsuas tau teeb tsa raws li tus qauv hauv lub tebchaws;Yooj yim rau siv, me me hneev taw, tuaj yeem ua tau raws li qhov yuav tsum tau ua ntawm peb qhov kev sim tib lub sijhawm;Cov cuab yeej sib tw raug tshem tawm, ua rau muaj kev txuag nyiaj ntau dua.

Sab hauv ntim 350 * 350 * 350 hli
Inorganic liner 150 * 150mm, thickness 25mm, 3 pieces
Qhov ntsuas kub 0 ~ 300 ° C, qhov tseeb 1 ° C
Sab nraud loj 500 * 400 * 750 hli
Tempered iav npog txoj kab uas hla 40mm, qhov siab txog 25mm
Lim ntawv 300 * 300mm, txog 400g / ㎡

Cov kauj ruam ua haujlwm

1.Cold resistance test: 1) Preparation of specimen 2) Application of test solution 3) Qhuav qhov chaw xeem 4) Test piece inspection 5) Kev ntsuam xyuas 6) Sau daim ntawv xeem

2.Dry heat resistance test: 1) specimen npaj, 2) cua sov qhov chaw, 3) humid heating test surface, 4) drying test surface, 5) specimen inspection, 6) result assessment, 7) sau ntawv xeem;

3.Damp heat resistance test: 1) specimen npaj, 2) heating source, 3) humid heating test surface, 4) drying test surface, 5) specimen inspection, 6) result assessment, 7) sau ntawv xeem.

  • Yav dhau los:
  • Tom ntej:

  • Sau koj cov lus ntawm no thiab xa tuaj rau peb